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The Association of Zamorano Alumni, UF chapter invites you to the:
Aug 03, 2018, 9:00 AM – Aug 04, 2018, 8:00 PM
University of Florida - Reitz Union,
655 Reitz Union Drive, Gainesville, FL 32611

There is no charge to attend this event. Nevertheless, the Association of Zamorano Alumni is a non-profit student organization at the University of Florida. This organization operates based  on donations or sponsorship. We would happily accept any kind of donation that will go towards the organization of this symposium. If you want to donate, you can use the following link and make a donation through Paypal

The symposium

of Zamoranos in USA



The 6th Symposium of Zamoranos in the United States is a scientific and professional development event designed to promote networking and the exchange of innovative ideas in agriculture. At this symposium you will find perspectives of how Zamorano Alumni have broken their frontiers and succeeded in their area. Additionally we want this to be the opportunity to show UF to how successful Zamoranos are a create the perfect opportunity to develop agreements between this two universities and all participant institutions. The Association of Zamorano Alumni at UF will host an exciting event where private sector meets academia. 


We look forward to seeing you in Gainesville!



Jeffrey Lansdale Ph.D. 
Zamorano President
Escuela Agrícola Panamericana - El Zamorano

Jeffrey Lansdale is the President of the Escuela Agrícola Panamericana, Inc. (ZAMORANO), based in Honduras, Central America.

Dr. Lansdale has over 30 years of experience in education, working in different sectors and programs related to education. He was Project Director for vocational training programs in Thai villages; Coordinator and Senior Technical Advisor of Honduran Peace Scholarships Project with USAID/Honduras and Founder of Environmental Youth Leadership Program. He also worked as Chief of Party for the USAID/Honduras post-Hurricane Mitch Reconstruction Projects and was Senior Advisor for Policy Reform for the Honduran Ministry of Education, focused on the decentralization of the national education system and the implementation of Education for All, a program sponsored by the donor community to ensure 100% primary school coverage and quality education in Honduras.

Elaine Turner Ph.D. 
UF College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
UF - CALS Dean

Dr. Turner serves as Dean for the UF/IFAS College of Agricultural and Life Sciences as of April 11, 2014. Previous to being named Dean of the college, she was a Senior Associate Dean and Interim Dean.

Prior to joining the Dean’s Office in 2006, Dr. Turner had a Teaching and Extension appointment in FSHN. Her primary teaching responsibilities were HUN 2201 and HUN 3403. She has been recognized for teaching excellence by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA), and the USDA

Luis Cañas Ph.D.
Ohio State University
Associate Professor, Insect Ecology in Controlled Environments
AGEAP International President

Dr. Luis Cañas is an Associate Professor of Entomology at The Ohio State University. His field of expertise is Insect Ecology in Controlled

Environments and his research concentrates on integrated pest

management of pests that attack plants grown in controlled environments.

Dr. Cañas has more than 20 years of experience and has published 49

scientific papers, 75 outreach articles and has given more than 100

presentations at state, national and international levels. Dr. Cañas is currently co-chair of the Plant Health Master Program and director of the Ohio State - Zamorano Program. He is past president of the North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America and current president of the Zamorano Alumni Association. Dr. Cañas currently has collaborations in the US, Central and South America, West and East Africa. 

Celina Gomez Ph.D. 
University of Florida
Assistant Professor,
Controlled Environment Horticulture

Dr. Gómez is primarily interested in solution-based technologies that can help optimize horticulture production systems through the understanding of plant-environment interactions.


She is passionate about automation and environmental monitoring sensors, and currently leads a cross-commodity research program looking at optimizing environmental control in protected environments, water conservation technologies for indoor plant production, and developing custom-made equipment for research programs. Dr. Gómez has research and teaching responsibilities in the Environmental Horticulture Department and also serves as an advisor to the undergraduate horticulture club and the Association of Zamorano Alumni at the UF.

Leonardo Villalón Ph.D.
UF International Center
Dean UF International Center
Professor of Political Science and African Studies

Leonardo A. Villalón is Dean of the International Center and Professor

of Political Science and African Studies at the University of Florida. 

From 2002-2011 he served as Director of UF’s Center for African Studies,

a Title VI comprehensive National Resource Center.  Villalón has a Ph.D.

from the University of Texas at Austin (1992), as well as degrees from the

Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris (1985), the School of Advanced

International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University (1983), and

Louisiana State University (1979).  His research specialization is in

contemporary African politics, and he has focused in particular on issues of Islam and politics and on democratization in the Sahelian countries of Senegal, Mali, and Niger.  

Diego Bohórquez Ph.D. 
Duke University
Assistant Professor in Medicine
Assistant Research Professor in Neurobiology
Assistant Professor-Track V in Pathology

Diego’s expertise is a rare, but synergistic, blend of nutritional biochemistry, gastrointestinal physiology, and sensory neurobiology.The research of Dr. Bohórquez focuses on the connections between two seemingly isolated systems: the gut and the brain.


His ambition is to uncover the neural circuits that allow the brain to perceive what the gut senses. Diego believes that this knowledge will serve two purposes: 1_it will be a foundation to treat the brain from the gut, and 2_ it will uncover routes through which pathogens may access the brain and cause neurodegenerative diseases.  In this Profiles in Brain Science interview, Bohorquez talks to us about how the got interested in this interplay, discusses how these two essential systems co-evolved, and offers some public speaking advice based on his own experience giving a TED talk this April.

Rodolfo Arambulo Torres MBA
Solgroup Marketing
Operations Manager

Rodolfo Arambulo Torres, originally from Guayaquil Ecuador, earned his Bachelors degree in Agricultural sciences and production from Zamorano University in 1989. In 2001 he completed his Masters in Business Administration degree from IDE University. Counts with an array experience in renown multinational companies and crops. He worked with Del Monte in banana quality control logistics from 1990 to 1993 and later on with Dole from 1993 to 1996, focusing more in the production of the fruit. In 1996 he moved to Camaro, where he worked in the production of banana, cocoa and teak wood until 2002. In 2002, Rodolfo started working at Banco del Pacifico as regional manager of the Agricultural branch of the bank. Currently, Rodolfo is the operations manager of Sol Group Marketing, where he has been doing an outstanding job for 14 years.

Jose Falck-Zepeda Ph.D.
International Food Policy Research Institute - IFPRI
Senior Research Fellow

Jose Falck-Zepeda is an agricultural economist and senior research fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) where he leads the Program for Biosafety Systems policy team.


He worked with the International Service for National Agricultural Research in the Netherlands. He earned his Ph.D. and M.Sc. from Auburn University in Alabama, and at Zamorano Pan-American Agricultural University in Honduras he studied animal science and agronomy. He also has an undergraduate degree in animal science and agronomy from Texas A&M University. Areas of specialization for Falck-Zapeda, who is a Fulbright and Central American Peace Scholar, include production economics and policy analysis, socio-economic assessment of agricultural biotechnologies and other agricultural technologies, economics of biosafety regulations and assessments of research and development capacity in developing countries.


Friday 3rd
RU - Grand Ballroom

9:00 – 9:30 AM

Check In

9:30 – 9:45 AM

Welcoming Remarks and Symposium Dedication.

Marco Goyzueta M.Sc. - AZA Treasurer

9:45 - 10:00 AM

The History of the University of Florida and Zamorano

Elaine Turner Ph.D. - UF/College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

10:00 - 10:20 AM

Sponsoring International Students and Visiting Scholars

Leonardo Villalón Ph.D. - University of Florida International Center.

10:20 – 11:00 AM

Success of Zamoranos Worldwide

Jeffrey Lansdale Ph.D. - Zamorano.

11:00  – 11:45 AM 

Exchange Programs: Experiences in Ohio, Louisiana and Possibilities at UF

Luis Cañas Ph.D. - Ohio State University.

11:45 AM - 1:00 PM Lunch

1:00 - 3:00 PM

Professional Roundup - RU Room 2355

Career Development Workshop - RU Room 2635

3:00 – 5:30 PM

UF Campus Tour (Museum, Bell Hill Griffin Starium, Century Tower, Reitz Union y McCarthy Hall).

5:30 – 7:00 PM

On your own.

7:00 PM

Social – First Magnitude Brewing Company

1220 SE Veitch St, Gainesville, FL 32608

Saturday 4th
RU - Rion Ballroom

10:00 – 10:30 AM

Check In and Coffee

10:30 – 11:15 AM

Zamoranos Breaking Frontiers - Beyond Agriculture

Diego Bohórquez Ph.D. - Duke University

11:15 – 12:00 PM

Zamoranos Breaking Frontiers - Entrepreneurship.

Emil Belibasis M.Sc. - Beli Farms

12:00 - 1:15 PM


1:15 - 2:00 PM

Zamoranos Breaking Frontiers - Florida Agriculture Business

Rodolfo Arámbulo - Solgroup Marketing

2:00 – 3:00 PM

Poster Competition - Rion Ballroom

3:00 – 3:15 PM

Coffee Break

3:15  – 4:00 PM 

Zamoranos Breaking Frontiers - Internationally

Jose Falck Ph.D. - IFPRI

4:00 – 4:30 PM

Conclusions and Closing.

Celina Gomez Ph.D. and Maria Paz M.Sc. - University of Florida.

4:30 - 6:30 PM

On your own

6:30 PM

Dinner and Awards Ceremony

Blue Gill Quality Food

1310 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, 32608





The Reitz Union supports many different programs that benefit all University of Florida students and the Gainesville community as a whole. The staff of the Reitz Union takes a lot of pride in the quality and quantity of programs that are provided to the UF community. These programs succeed because of the commitment of students and the organizations that plan a vast number of these programs.

Among the Reitz Union’s outstanding components are: an attractive building boasting 350,000+ gross square feet of public space, including two ballrooms, two auditoriums, 30 meeting rooms, a food court, game room, office spaces, and a hotel with 36 guest rooms.

655 Reitz Union Drive
Gainesville, Fl 32611
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