Reitz Union Hotel
The Reitz Union Hotel is located in top of the Reitz Union Student center. The Reitz Union is the central point at the University of Florida Campus, most important locations within campus are located at walking distance from the Union.
The Reitz Union offers more than enough space for hosting big events as the Zamorano Symposium. Besides being able to visit the bookstore to get some Gator goods or you can also visit the different fast food restaurants available in the food court.
Symposium participants can reserve a room at the Reitz Union Hotel (limited number of rooms) with a special rate. Reservations for the hotel close on July 3rd, 2018. Prices start at 89$ per night.
To get the group rates please book your hotel room at the Reitz Union Webpage, and select the group sign in. AZA group code is Hort18.